Thursday, December 16, 2010

Snowed In!!

 We are snowed in!

After a crazy week...
Monday was a snow day,
Tuesday was a 2 hour delay for school due to single digit temps. & negative wind chills...
Wednesday was a 2 hour delay for school due to single digit temps. & negative wind chills...
Today was yet another snow day! 
(with a level 2 snow emergency to boot)

Here is what the table on my deck looks like with 6 inches on snow on it!


: )

~ M


aprilmecheelesdulllife said...

I am so sorry ya'll are snowed in!! Sounds like fun!!! I sure hope you are designing. LOL Have a great Snowed In Time !!!

Maria said...

Ah... being snowed in goes from being super cozy & fun (most of the time) to the occasional bought of claustrophobia! We really cannot get anywhere. So - depending on the mood... or the person.... this is awesome... or just awful! Mostly, I see the awesome part, but occasionally my girls see the awful part... but that's natural, I guess. I'm happy to be home, plenty to work on... my girls... while generally goodhearted - have ants in their pants! : )